Our projects

Urban solutions to urban problems - Homestaead demonstation site.

At our demonstration site, we showcase how thoughtful planning and simple innovations can offer solutions to our everyday problems. We utilize various sustainable practices such as harnessing solar energy, rainwater harvesting, reusing grey water, producing biogas, and implementing vermiculture. Additionally, we have established a food forest, which serves as a model for sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Our site demonstrates the potential of these technologies and practices to create a more environmentally friendly and self-sufficient way of living. By promoting these solutions, we hope to inspire and encourage others to adopt similar practices in their own lives, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

green leafed plant close up photo
green leafed plant close up photo
Kumwena Urban farm

At our urban farm, we focus on natural water purification, fish farming, and an organice food forest. These methods aim to maintain the ecological balance and preserve the natural environment. In natural water purification, the water is cleansed using natural processes such as sedimentation, filtration, and biological interactions. This ensures that the water remains free from pollutants and harmful substances. Fish farming is also done organically, without the use of chemicals or artificial feed. The natural ecosystem of the fish farm is maintained, providing a healthy and sustainable environment for the fish to thrive. Additionally, a food forest is cultivated organically, where a diverse range of fruit trees, vegetables, and herbs are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. This ensures that the food grown is nutritious, free from harmful chemicals, and promotes biodiversity. Overall, these organic practices contribute to a healthier and more sustainable way of living.

tilt-lens granny smith
tilt-lens granny smith
Tigs Farm

Not just pleasant on the outside, our Pleasantview Gem Inn properties are especially popular among families. With underground parking and floor-to-ceiling windows, there's no shortage of natural light or space.

Organic farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that focuses on using natural methods and avoiding synthetic chemicals. Syntropic principles, based on the enhancement of biodiversity, are integrated into this approach, aiming to create a harmonious ecosystem where different plant species coexist and mutually benefit from each other's characteristics. In addition to growing crops, organic farmers also prioritize the well-being of animals. Animal husbandry is an essential aspect of this farming method, as it seeks to provide animals with a natural and healthy environment. Bees play a crucial role in organic farming by pollinating plants and contributing to biodiversity. They are kept in hives, providing not only honey but also supporting the overall health and balance of the ecosystem. Through these practices, organic farming promotes sustainable and eco-friendly methods of food production, ensuring the preservation of the environment and the well-being of both plants and animals.

group of bees
group of bees

Healthy food, Abundant living and protecting the environment

Living a healthy lifestyle involves more than just eating nutritious food. It also encompasses adopting sustainable practices that protect the environment. By choosing to consume healthy food, we not only nourish our bodies but also support local farmers and agriculture. Additionally, incorporating an abundance mindset into our lives allows us to appreciate the resources nature provides us with. By focusing on the quality of our food rather than the quantity, we can reduce food waste and make more conscious choices. Taking steps to protect the environment, such as reducing single-use plastic, composting, and supporting organic farming, not only benefits our own well-being but also ensures a cleaner and greener future for generations to come. Embracing healthy food, abundant living, and protecting the environment go hand in hand, creating a harmonious balance that benefits both individuals and the planet as a whole.